Eric Nelson

Eric Nelson

Client Engagement Officer

Eric Nelson, Client Engagement Officer at TRG Arts, has dedicated over 20 years to improving organizational structures and generating revenue for non-profits.

There is a theory (thank you Bill Nye, The Science Guy) that lifelong loves begin at age 10. That explains a lot regarding Eric’s career. It is when his Mother (thank you Mom) enrolled Eric in improv and theater classes. Love and a life’s work was born.  

Prior to re-joining TRG Arts, Eric was Director of Marketing & Communications for New York City’s Kaufman Music Center, home of Merkin Concert Hall, Lucy Moses School (New York’s largest community arts school) and Special Music School (a K-12 public school for musically gifted youth). Eric is proud that each year of his tenure at Kaufman ticket revenue grew by close to 10%, including subscriptions. Eric was also Vice President of Client Services, New Business and Marketing for DCM, specializing in marketing and fundraising strategies for non-profit organizations. Eric started is career in the arts leading marketing efforts for Paul Taylor Dance Company. Eric holds a M.A. from Emerson College in Marketing & Advertising for Non-Profits.

In his spare time Eric can be found wearing skis or paddling in a kayak. He recently completed a two-year volunteer term with Audience 360, New York City’s shared database of arts patrons. Recently Eric joined Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS as a Next Generation Advocate. He is also a frequent speaker at industry conferences.

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