Brad Carlin
Senior Consultant
Brad is most excited by the roles that arts and culture play in making our communities better places. As a Senior Consultant at TRG Arts, Brad gets to engage, advise, and better understand some of the most impactful arts organizations in the world through their data and programs. Previously, Brad was the Managing Director of Fusebox Festival in Austin, TX. Brad has worked in general management and fundraising for SITI Company (NYC), Salvage Vanguard Theatre (Austin), and the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center (San Antonio).
He has been an adjunct professor of Arts Administration at St. Edward's University and an alum of the Theatre Communications Group New Generations Fellowship, University of Texas LBJ School Strategic Management Program, and APAP Leadership Development Institute. Brad has served on numerous grant panels across the country and been a speaker at conferences in the US and abroad including the National Arts Marketing Project, UK Arts Marketing Conference, Magnetic North (Canada), TCG Annual Conference, South by Southwest, Grantmakers in the Arts, and Association of Performing Arts Presenters. He received a Master’s Degree in Arts Management from Carnegie Mellon University and a B.A. in theatre from St. Edward’s University.
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