TRG presentation: What Price is Right? What Pricing Can Do for Museums

What Price is Right? What Pricing Can Do for Museums [slideshow]

TRG's VP of Client Services Keri Mesropov, along with Heather Calvin of Boston’s Museum of Science and Jessica Toon of EMP Museum presented a session entitled “What Price is Right?” at the American Alliance of Museums 2014 Annual Meeting & Museum Expo in Seattle, WA.

This session explores how museums can use demand-based pricing strategies to set admission prices, service fees, discounts, and membership levels. Keri, Heather, and Jessica provided practical grounding and new ideas to help museum leadership determine what visitors should pay.



Keri Mesropov, VP of Client Services of TRG Arts
Heather Calvin, Associate Vice President, Visitor Services and Membership for Boston’s Museum of Science
Jessica Toon, Director of Marketing and Audience Development for EMP Museum

Posted May 20, 2014

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